Lakyn Barton
Lakyn Barton

A Letter From the (New) Editor

Hi, I’m Megan, The Community Edition’s new editor in chief.

The Saturday before this issue hit newsstands, I went to a talk by Kimberly Drew hosted by CAFKA. Drew manages The Met’s social media, but first and foremost built her own brand through her online efforts to showcase black artists on her tumblr Black Contemporary Art. She had a lot of killer things to say about art, race, being a young professional, and social media. Pause reading for a minute and go follower her tumblr and Instagram (@museummammy).

Drew said she’s obsessed with access and figuring out how the power she has earned in her life and career can be shared. Makes sense, her career and personal brand are built around sharing. Personal photos on her instagram, prolific work by black artists that she has been exposed to through her work, life, and education on her Tumblr. What is the point of knowing for ourselves if we’re not sharing with others? She’s using her power in the art world to provide access to work that might otherwise go unknown to many people through tumblr and instagram.

At the end of the day access is why TCE is here, too. To share the power of our platform with the wider community. Our mandate is to be reflective of the community we serve, to be a stage for critical voices that aren’t be given the mic elsewhere, and to share the stories that most need to be told as far and as wide as we can.

The editors that came before me at TCE did a lot to bring this platform to where it is, I’ll do my best to keep that going. If you have a story that needs sharing or voice that needs a microphone, email me:

Megan Nourse

Editor in chief