We know that all life on earth is dependent on the sun, but, in our globalized world, where we can get almost any fruit or vegetable at any time of the year, having a conscious relationship to our biggest star requires a little more effort than our ancestors had to expend. Every day we witness the sun rise in the east, find its brightest moment in the centre of the sky at noon, and eventually set in the west.   

While many people have a strong sense of the natural world, whether through cultural/spiritual practices or work, in our first world context this may all be happening in the periphery of the tasks we have to complete. Yet, actively engaging with the cycles of the day and year is something that is part of our core as humans. As an astrologer and a practising witch and pagan, I have found that having an ongoing and strong relationship to the earth’s natural cycles can bring positive change to your mental health, relationships and spirit.  

In the northern hemisphere, the summer solstice arrives between June 20-22 every year. It marks the longest day of the year and the beginning of summer. Unlike the winter solstice, which finds us in the dead of cold weather, the summer solstice can be a perfect moment to celebrate our union with the creative forces of nature.  

The solstices have been celebrated by Indigenous communities and ancient settlers since they began to understand the patterns of the sun’s movements.  In Canada, June 21 was commemorated as Indigenous People’s Day, as a time to learn about the ‘rich and diverse cultures, voices, experiences and histories of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples.’  

This day is an important reminder of the privilege we hold in living on this stolen land, and the responsibility we hold moves far beyond June 21. In a world that’s sped up faster than our natural cycles and divided by politics and generational wounds, commemorating this seasonal change can be a way to start an ongoing practice with the land and the natural forces that unite us. It’s a time of year when we can feel connected to something bigger, brighter and warmer than the daily tasks that take us away from our natural essence as loving and compassionate natural beings.   

This month, I’ve curated some ways to help you connect with nature that pertain to your rising and sun signs according to Western astrology, along with a simple meditation playlist for your introspective revelations.


Go horseback riding or find an outdoor activity, like water rafting or rock climbing, that embraces the wild elements of nature. Have a fire ceremony to rekindle a relationship with nature.   


You’re feeling confident with the direction you’re heading this year. Expect a lot of important conversations and positive influence from your social circle this month.   


Sit in your backyard or home with your windows open and take note of the nature you notice peeking through. Make a list as a reminder of what to focus on when things become mundane and rudimentary.   


Cook a meal for you and your loved ones with fresh in-season ingredients. Try to find a body of water, or just slow down for a moment and feel the ways in which nature is communicating with you.  


Find a way to dance or get creative by a fire, whether that be a backyard or campfire or a collection of candles in your apartment. Take a long walk or run outdoors.  


Clean out your garden or tend to your indoor plant and spend some time with animals or pets. Learn about the medicinal properties of some wild plants in your neighbourhood.  If possible, take a nap outdoors.   


Pick some fresh wildflowers and make a bouquet for your home. Find a way to incorporate a peaceful exercise routine and meditation outdoors. Write a poem about the trees on your street.   


Practise an intense breathing meditation outdoors, preferably somewhere very private, like a forest oasis. Take a long swim in a natural body of water. Have sex outside.   


Find an uncharted trail in nature to go for a long hike and talk to the trees. Maybe learn more about the indigenous plants in your frequented greenspace.   


Learn how to make natural medicines, tools and home remedies using plants in your neighbourhood. Go for a very slow attentive walk, paying attention to the details in the landscape.   


Create a bird feeder or birdbath for your outdoor space and learn about the various birds that visit. Walk barefoot outside as often as possible.   


Take a swim in a secluded body of water. Find a private spot outdoors for meditation and listen to the symphony of nature.