New Tune Review: Safdie’s Demo 2021

The last new release that caught my attention was a demo by the “antagonizing hardcore” band Safdie. The project, aptly titled Demo 2021, is a full-force blast of energy and angst. The demo quality of the release adds heavily to its sonic sensibilities, and there is something about hardcore that doesn’t translate as well when it comes with a layer of polish. 

This is hardcore as it should be and as it shines most — not to mention the fact that the seven-song package clocks in just short of seven minutes. I’m certain that I know some of the people in this band, but there is still an air of mystery underpinning it. The release doesn’t contain any specific references to the performers apart from the fact that it was recorded in god’s favourite city (insert emoji here) by Marcelle Rusu.

This project is a wild ride that will hit you in the face with nervous energy from start to finish, so the Safdie namesake is well deserved.

In a fitting move, the final track concludes with an excerpt from the Safdie bros sleeper hit Good Time starring Robert Pattinson:

“You think you’re better than me.”

“I am better than you.”

“You’re an ignorant fuck, bro … No one is better than any next man.”