These are obviously not the faces of Melissa and Kristina. These are the faces of Melissa and Kristina’s cats, Hansel and Artemis, enjoying their best nap life just like Ross and Joey. KRISTINA LALATOVIC PHOTO

EDITOR’S NOTE: Hello from the New Staff

Hello readers!

We are excited to bring you our first edition as the new Editor in Chief and head of Community Engagement — we hope you like it.

Even in the age of social media, people still want to feel connected — to know what is going on around them, and for someone to advocate for the place that they live. We take that responsibility and our role very seriously. We’re here to tell peoples’ stories and bring people together through community journalism.

8 in 10 Canadians read a newspaper every week either print or online, including 85% of Millennials. We want to be your go-to local knowledge hub when you need information, and to elevate those voices that would not normally have the chance to be heard. Check out some of our stories this month highlighting important topics like LGBTQ+ in tech, and sex worker rights.

Waterloo Region is growing and we’re in a time where new businesses, creative endeavours and exciting new projects are popping up and blossoming all over the place. Our goal is to continue to build relationships with our local partners and to forge new bonds like never before.

We are also looking forward to creating TCE events where the local community has the opportunity to interact and leave a mark.

We can’t wait to start this new journey with you all.

Happy holidays everyone! — Melissa & Kristina.