The cover of Sophie Gregoire Trudeau's new book called "Closer Together". The image on the cover depicts a black and white image of Sophie turning toward the camera while standing between two people facing away. The tag line reads "knowing ourselves, loving each other" and the bottom of the cover features a quote from Gabor Mate calling the book, among other things, "highly readable".


The Young Woman’s Christian Association Kitchener-Waterloo (YWKW) held their YW Rise Up Breakfast at Bingeman’s Conference Centre on May 23, 2024 with guest speaker Sophie Grégoire Trudeau and interviewer Lisa LaFlamme.  

The breakfast raised money for women, children and gender diverse individuals in the Kitchener-Waterloo community.  

LaFlamme is a journalist, broadcaster and the first woman to host CTV National News. A Kitchener local, LaFlamme has been appointed to the Order of Canada and Order of Ontario.   

Grégoire Trudeau is a speaker, ambassador and the former spouse of Justin Trudeau, prime minister of Canada. Her first book, Closer Together, was released on Apr. 23, 2024, and leads readers on a journey toward self-knowledge, acceptance and empowerment with input from psychologists, psychiatrists and thought leaders.  

For her book, Grégoire Trudeau interviewed 20 different experts in multiple fields from neuroscientists to dehumanization experts.  

“Everybody has their own challenges and obstacles in their lives, we all have a story. We’re all one trauma away from each other,” Grégoire Trudeau said. “An unexamined mind and brain. This is why I wrote the book—an unexamined life.”  

As the former spouse of the prime minister,  Grégoire Trudeau has faced widespread criticism across social media—something that LaFlamme pinpoints when asking how these traumas have impacted not only Gregoire Trudeau, but other members of the Trudeau family.   

“You are in retargeted, constant judgment, hurtful, hateful comments as so many people in the public eye are. I wonder, first of all, how do you protect your kids from all of it?,” LaFlamme asked.  

Gregoire Trudeau and the Prime Minister share three children—Xavier, Ella-Grace and Hadrien.  

In her response, Grégoire Trudeau spoke on her experience observing how female ministers navigate the similar targeted comments that appear on their social media pages.   

“People are moving from an insecure place and hate stems from a deep need for connection,” she said. “They see it. But they also see the quality of the man that he is.”  

When it comes to protecting her children, Grégoire Trudeau prioritizes maintaining a close and loving family that is not scared of having awkward conversations—even when it comes to addressing comments directed at the Prime Minister on social media.  

“I can’t shield my kids, and I won’t. I refuse to do that. My kids are going to be freaking ready for the world. Does it mean without rules? No. They’ve seen a lot. They’ve heard a lot,” Grégoire Trudeau said.   

To close the event, Grégoire Trudeau led the room in a guided meditation before sharing insight into what she wishes for her future having now released her book.   

“I do think that I have enough love inside of me to nourish as much as I can. That’s what I intend to do until my last breath, so that when I take my last breath the question ‘Will I have loved enough?’ will be answered naturally,” she said.  

This article was cross-published with The Cord.