I’m back! What is up? It’s been a while since I have written anything. I wanted to become a graphic designer, so I started learning how to draw and now, guess what? I realized partway along that journey how my calling and I had already been acquainted. And so here I am, back at the helm. The masthead. The Community Edition.  

So, what better time to publish my first actual issue as the actual—and not interim—publisher of this newspaper, than at the launch of a brand-new volume. Volume 13. With brand-new fonts and brand-new…other stuff (diamond lines), that our wonderful editor-in-chief, Harleen and our wonderful creative director, Jessi have been vetting and scrutinizing over the past six months and change.  

When I tell you that these two are passionate about breathing new life into this publication, it’s quite an understatement. 

Along with powerhouse editorial assistant, Adrian, this group has worked diligently to connect with the local community in new and exciting ways. 

They have introduced a mascot, hosted drag shows and essentially showed up every time it really counted. And a huge shoutout goes to Sam Nabi, who worked closely on this redesign and masterfully translated everything over to our website—please look at these stories online too!  

And so, I am way beyond excited to support this team in whatever ways that I can. Whether I must break out my magnifying glass (the zoom tool on InDesign) or reach back to my own days as an editor (the spell check tool on Microsoft Word), I have never been more excited to be a part of something, and I hope this becomes evident as we find our footing over the next few months.  

Most important to this entire equation is you, the person reading this. Maybe you just like catching up on local goings-on. 

Maybe you picked this issue up because of the beautiful cover designed by Arthur Kavanagh, or maybe you heard there was a story about Ben Stager, or The Union. I digress. 

This paper exists because of you, and it is a special thing to have when you look at the current media landscape in Canada. So please, please cherish it.  

With all that said, whoever you are, there is space here for you—barring certain circumstances I won’t get into. If you are passionate, compassionate, and you care about the people around you, we want to hear from you. We want you to be a part of this as well.

If you simply like to read the paper, please share it with your loved ones. If you want to write or draw or take photos, we want you to be a part of this, because that is why it is here. It is a space to learn, to connect and to grow. You have found the Community Edition, and I am so glad that you have.

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