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As the year comes to a close, we are met with astrological aspects that push us to make decisions about the year ahead. 

We begin in November, amidst the final eclipse season of 2022. Back in April, we had our first eclipse season on the Taurus-Scorpio axis. This means that the full and new moons causing the eclipses happen in the signs of Taurus and Scorpio. 

On Oct. 25, a new eclipse season began with a new moon in Scorpio, and on Nov. 8, the full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus will bookend the eclipse seasons of 2022. The themes and events that took place in April may find a resolution in November. 

Additionally, on Nov. 23, Jupiter will station direct after its long retrograde season. While Jupiter moves into Aries, where it will spend much of 2023, this month’s transits ask us to plan for the year ahead.  

What have we learned from this year? How have the themes of our eclipse seasons given us the emotional awareness to close off any loose ends and move forward?   

Think about what was happening for you in April and May of this year, and how those themes might be resurfacing this month.  

Are there common threads? Repeated lessons? Perhaps things you are avoiding? November will set the emotional stage for the next six months, so reflect upon and harvest your lessons so you can plant your metaphoric seeds for 2023.  

While you resolve, reflect and are reminded of the major themes of 2022, here is another cosmic mixtape to enchant your ears. And as always, here are some words of wisdom to guide your contemplations based on your rising and sun signs. 


You will be feeling in flow for most of the month, but you may find yourself ruminating a bit on the past. You can expect a playful surprise that may involve some new work opportunities. 


Things you have been avoiding may surface this month, but, if approached with an open mind, they can lead to a revived sense of self. A romantic encounter might surprise you at home, too! 


You are feeling a little reclusive these days. If you make some room for play this month, some long-awaited news might surprise you!  


You are in the thick of demanding pressures and are craving some playfulness. It may come by the month’s end. Expect an old friend to reach out with unexpected news. 


You are feeling overwhelmed by some intense emotions around you. You will be shifting into a new mindset by the end of the month which may also bring you some finances. 


You are in for a tumultuous month. You may be surprised by some secrets coming out of the woodwork.  Expect to be kept on your toes and have some sexy energy come your way.  


Your focus will be on your trusted partnerships and romantic relationships with some surprises from your social circle. Try to resist your urge for some retail therapy.  


You will feel deflated and not quite yourself for most of the month.  Work and other obligations will be asking for a lot of your time. Make sure to carve out some time to take care of yourself! 


Although you will be feeling introspective, your month will be sprinkled with some playful energy. The prospect of a new adventure or trip might pull you out of your crab shell.  


You will want to retreat into your home this month. Home obligations may be taking up a lot of space, but try and keep things playful so you are not too bogged down.  


You will be gathering and discussing a lot of information with your close peers. Although analysis is well within your wheelhouse, you will need some time to retreat by the month’s end. 


Your values and sense of security will be your focus while you assess the trajectory of your next big undertaking. Expect a surprising gesture in your romantic life, or perhaps at work.   

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