Cosmic Relief: July and the Divine Feminine

Every year while the sun is illuminating our summer season in the northern hemisphere, most of the larger celestial bodies in our solar system–Pluto, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter–are in retrograde. These transits often last a lot longer than retrogrades of smaller planets. This season will occur over the last six months of the year.  

This month, the sun is in Cancer, a sign ruled by the moon, and we also have the beginnings of retrograde season. Retrogrades indicate a time of delving into the inner world and this month’s solar transit only amplifies that notion. Astrologically the sun rules our outer world and is often expressed as the divine masculine, or the active part of us that impacts and engages with the world. On the flip side, the moon rules our inner world, or the divine feminine–the passive aspects of self that receive, nurture and are emotionally connected.   

The thing I love most about astrology is that it really expresses the complexity of the human experience. Astrologically, we all have both masculine and feminine aspects in our cosmic makeup. In fact, we are a rich complex system of moving parts that is forever interacting with the cosmic field in which we operate. This month that field is asking us to feel those inner parts of ourselves and express them. Connect with your divine feminine, or inner world, because you’ll have an opportunity to gain some crucial insight into how it operates and perhaps what it is that you need to become more whole.   

To help you navigate these emotional Cancerian waters this month, we have a cosmic playlist and some words of wisdom based on your sun and rising sign.   


Everything seems very high energy around you, and your first inclination is to curl up in your shell. If you can resist that, you might find a fateful and friendly surprise at a social affair.  


Existential conversations and philosophies about life will be flooding your thoughts and desires. Expect an unpredictable turn of events in your professional life to come through.  


Friendship will be in sharp focus for you, and likely lots of thoughtful conversation. Don’t be surprised if these lead to a very surprising eureka moment near the end of the month.  


While you’re likely wanting to focus on your professional work, there will be a bit of inner tension bubbling. A strong twist of fate may bring on some insight if you’re open to it. 


This month will bring on a strong sense of gratitude and appreciation to those closest to you. An old friend or partner might surprise you with a flash of insight or new opportunity too!  


Expect some super erratic energy happening at work this month. Now is probably a good time to focus on those trusted relationships and making more space for intimacy.  


A burst of creative inspiration is on the horizon this month. Try to keep a level head by leaning into your trusted partnerships with the new revelation—this one might be a doozy.  


Work has been asking a lot of you lately, and you’re craving a little excitement. To your surprise, you might find some inspiration at home or with family.  


You’ll be feeling playful this month, but that may mean hanging out at home or keeping things low-key. It may be good because you can expect some surprising news coming in.  


There are a lot of things going on at home, and you’re craving some mental space. Things seem to be very unpredictable, and it might be a good time to focus on some self-care.  


You’re feeling a strong urge to break out of the norm. Before you dive in, take some time this month to talk or think things through. Slow and steady is your vibe anyway.  


You’re feeling confident, sure of yourself and ready to take on some new commitments. This will likely lead to some cosmic revelations as the month closes.