Local patios will stay open into 2021. A lot of things suck right now. This does not. NICK STANLEY PHOTO

Local Patios To Stay Open Until January

The City of Kitchener has now extended their patio program until at least Jan. 1, 2021 in an effort to support bar and restaurant operators during the current COVID-19 pandemic.

The extended patio program allows restaurants and bars in downtown Kitchener to offer food and beverages through temporary outdoor programs and expanded sidewalk patios.

“This global pandemic has brought on so many new challenges for bar and restaurant owners. Extending the patio season, I hope will give owners options while staying within provincial and regional public health guidelines,” Kitchener Mayor Berry Vrbanovic said in a press release. 

“Heated outdoor patios this upcoming winter season, could be a great way to support local businesses while still following public health guidelines.”

Waterloo council has also agreed to extend their outdoor patios and expanded patios in uptown Waterloo to January 2021, meaning businesses can operate until the beginning of sidewalk snow clearing in the area.

The patio extension, made possible by the City of Waterloo’s SOLER (Support Our Local Economic Recovery), will allow local restaurants and bars to serve their customers throughout all seasons. 

The city’s SOLER program allows more opportunities for local businesses to utilize areas for commercial and promotional purposes. Currently, 24 SOLER licenses have been issued for 2020, including six patio approvals in uptown Waterloo.

Sidewalk patios licenses in uptown Waterloo were originally set to expire this October, while the SOLER program was set to expire at the end of 2020.