Two week milestone

It’s officially the two week milestone of many things for the CCE. Two weeks of being physically in the office. Two weeks of actually doing work on the paper. And two weeks, for me, of living in K-W.

The best part of starting something new is you get to play a whole bunch with what it’s going to become. While we want people to know we’re still part of the Cord brand, we also get to make ourselves unique. To that end, there’s been a lot of discussion about what fonts and logos are the best – the kind of stuff only layout nerds can appreciate (I’m partial to Gill Sans MT, but you probably won’t see it in the paper).

This weekend I attended the Southern Ontario Maker and Hacker Conference in Guelph, On., for an upcoming feature in the inaugural CCE. Hackers and makers are people who are interested in playing with technology and art to create new things. Synthesizers, robots, new kind of fabrics; you name it and they can likely do it. The spirit of the conference could be summed up as “nothing is too impractical to do.” I think that’s a spirit embodied by many journalists. We like to dig, ask questions, and just be bothersome until we can get the new story or angle. It’s an attitude I think we all need to have as we take this project forward.

It’s also two weeks to the biggest milestone: the first print edition of the CCE. There is still a ton of work to do. Somehow, even as I cross things off my to-do list, more appears. It’s great though. Sometimes being busy is a blessing and this is one of those rare times. In this rare time, a lot of the work means meeting new people and going to new places – and that’s a good thing.