Riding the cosmic wave is like being on a thrill ride—no matter how ready you think you are, the universe always throws a plot twist. This past summer has been no exception with all the intense astrological transits we have moved through —especially in August. As we move into September, we find ourselves at a turning point. 

For the last 16 years, Pluto has been transiting through Capricorn, a sign that embodies tradition, structure, and authority—the systems of power that govern our world. This transit has brought to the surface collective issues related to leadership, patriarchy and societal frameworks that have shaped our civilization. However, earlier this year, Pluto entered Aquarius, marking the dawn of a new era focused on collective liberation, innovation and technological advancement. 

But as Pluto moves retrograde, it slips back into Capricorn for one final visit—a cosmic farewell tour, if you will. We could expect unresolved issues related to those patriarchal structures and traditions to resurface this month. It is a last call to any lessons that Capricorn may have brought to us over the past decade and a half, both individually and collectively.  

To add to this, we will also see a lunar eclipse in Pisces on Sept. 18, 2024. Eclipses are cosmic checkpoints, so, it will only accelerate any karmic resolutions we are facing. Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, is deeply connected to the subconscious, intuition and the dissolution of boundaries. When an eclipse occurs in this mystical water sign, we are invited to dive into our inner worlds and confront unresolved emotions, desires and experiences. 

On a global scale, this eclipse might bring attention to our collective duty to each other. Pisces is the empath of the zodiac, and its consciousness will be in the driver’s seat during this eclipse. Individually, you might find yourself feeling more vulnerable, compassionate, and perhaps yearning to escape the pressures of everyday life. Pay attention to where you might be using escapism as a coping mechanism.  

You may find yourself getting lost in the dreamlike quality of this transit. It is also a great time to tap into your creativity, spirituality, and emotional intelligence. This lunar eclipse marks the beginning of a journey that will unfold over the next year—and decade.  It is a huge opportunity for each of us to heal, evolve and align with our higher selves.  

Eclipses are catalysts for change. They can bring sudden endings or unexpected opportunities, and their ultimate purpose is to guide us toward growth and transformation. So, as we ride this cosmic wave into September, the eclipse asks us to surrender toward a more liberated and enlightened future. 

Below is some guidance for you based on your sun and rising signs. As always, here is another cosmic mixtape of artists  born under the transits influencing the mystical and emotional Pisces eclipse this September.



 A disciplined approach to spiritual practices anchored in reality and emotional honesty is a great way forward.


It is time to release connections or dreams that no longer serve your higher good. Shift your aspirations into spaces and ideas that align with your spiritual and emotional integrity.


 Your career will come into focus this month. It is time to release professional roles or ambitions that no longer align with your true purpose. It’s time to build on something that resonates with your spiritual values and emotional truth. 


It’s time to let go of outdated beliefs that limit your growth.  What life philosophies have held you back over the last few years?  Maybe it’s time to transform your approach to learning and exploring the world. 


Now is the time for you to release fears around vulnerability and trust. You will find some profound shifts in how you handle joint finances or emotional bonds this month.  


Your important relationships and partnerships will be in the spotlight this month. You’ll find some closure while also confronting some power dynamics that have festered in you for a long time. Boundaries and emotional maturity will be essential. 


Use your daily rituals to help you align with your higher self. You may see changes in your work environment that will push you to rethink your approach to productivity.


Your creative endeavours, romantic life, and relationships with children will push you out of your creative blocks or unfulfilling romances. It’s time to commit to what truly inspires your soul. 


Expect some closure to long-standing issues related to your home and family. You may feel a deep need to release emotional baggage tied to your roots. It is time to create boundaries that support your inner peace. 


It is time to release old communication patterns and embrace more intuitive ways of expressing yourself. Use your discipline to refine your mental and verbal expressions. 


It is time to let go of material attachments that no longer serve you. Your approach to what truly matters is coming into question and what emotional and spiritual integrity mean to you. 


You might feel the weight of responsibilities reshaping your identity. You will be pushed to transform how you assert what is important to you and step into a more empowered version of yourself.  

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