ALBUM REVIEW: Olympia – Austra


Tanishka Kundu


Olympia has a dream-like quality to it. There is a melancholic background behind the synth and electro sounds. Almost hyp- notic, the beats are very fast but the lyrics are sung slowly and seem to be almost draped over the music. This structure gives it a bit of a club air, but not as loud and in your face. It is definitely less in your face than Austra’s previous album, Feel it Break. The opening track “What We Done?” has a space-opera feel to it. Other songs that inspire a second listen are “Forgive Me” and “Painful Like” as well as “Annie”; though all of the songs on the album are exceptional. It is creeping mu- sic — up your ears into your brain. Suddenly, you find yourself singing it at bus stops and during dinner. It is trippy and danceable, if you’re so inclined.